Saturday, February 4, 2012

a note to myself

I've been wanting...okay, that was an understatement...I've been desperately wanting to write. Write something, write anything, I tell myself. But I don't know, I just can't find the time to do it.

Of course I won't find time to write while at the office. My default status is busy and that holds true. True that I have sneaked some time to browse the web but it's mainly to check my personal mail and transfer funds or pay bills via BPI Express Online.

At home, I spend most of my time with Rian, scribbling with him and pointing to picture board books and singing with Steve and Blue or dancing with Barney. If he seems too busy to throw me a glance, I'd open my Facebook account to upload photos for my parents and my sister's family to see. Or read a book. Or watch a basketball game with Irvin.

Of hurried meals and missed night prayers, how can I find time to write?

But I realized, I am a writer, not only of this blog, but of the script of my life. I am THE writer and the best part of this is I get to choose what happens to me. So for now, yes that I do not like not being able to write a decent blog post because of work and of being a mom. But one day, I will be able to pick myself up, make a little spare time and gear up to my plans.


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