Saturday, September 12, 2009

at long last...

At long last, I am back to blogging. What happened to me? Well, I really don't know. I think I just have to regroup my shattered thoughts and find extra time amidst the busyness of my schedule.

I just moved to another team where every month-end closing seems to be a challenge. For the past few weeks, I have been working late, loading information to my little timid brain and analyzing the increase and decrease of every account.
What about weekends? Weekends are the best times of my week. I get to bond with my parents and my husband so I don't waste so much time in front of the computer.

To my blogger friends, I am sorry that I have not been able to visit your sites for quite a while.

well, I wish I could prove that I really am back to my blogging self.


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