Saturday, May 30, 2009

the weekend that was may 9-10: overdue

Saturday. Sariray went home from Guam a week ago to attend to her mother who was hospitalized. Sinamantala na din ang time para mag-ayos ng ilang errands na dapat nyang gawin. So this Saturday, Agnes and I went with her sa meeting nya with designer Cecilio Abad and Queen. Tapos, we ate at Aveneto in Glorietta and shopped at Landmark. Btw, I bought Krispy Kreme doughnuts for Nanay and for my MIL for the next day, Mother's Day.

Sunday. Dropped by our house to greet Nanay a Happy Mother's Day. Then Irvin and I went to SM Bacoor to watch Wolverine (yes, again).


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