Monday, June 29, 2009

thoughts for today

State of focus

To be highly effective in what you do, enter a special state of being that you can create with your own intention. Enter a state of focus.

In this state, trivial outside events do not have the power to distract or annoy you. You simply accept them, move past them, and continue working on what's truly important to you.

In your focused state, there is no hesitation or worry about getting it wrong. You move ahead with steady, persistent efforts, knowing that even the mistakes will lead to learning and improvements.

Always with you in your state of focus is a clear and authentic sense of purpose. The energy to keep going and to keep focused comes from remembering why.

When you are focused you are curious, flexible, and open to new ways of creating value. At the same time, you're able to keep yourself solidly on track toward the specific goals you have chosen.

Enter a peaceful, powerful focused state. And make good things happen for your whole world.

-- Ralph Marston

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Hope fulfilled

It is wonderful to live with hope in your heart. Yet by itself, hope will not accomplish anything.

By all means, hope for the very best. Then put that hope into action. It is positive, productive, effective action that will bring about those things for which you hope. Let hope be your reason to act, and not a substitute for action.

Hope will put your mind and your spirit in a positive place. Hope can strengthen your will for doing whatever is necessary to move forward.

Keep hope alive within you. Treasure it, nurture it, and allow its warm, enriching glow to fill your world.

With your skills, your resources, your commitment and persistence, bring that hope to life. Through your own efforts, be the living fulfillment of the best of your hopes.

-- Ralph Marston

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Thanks for these food for thoughts, Nes!


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