Sunday, October 26, 2008


It happened again. Overtimes and working weekends are blowing the sanity out of me. I am reminded of those days when I was on the auditing field. But no, I don't want it to happen again.

My company is adapting a new SAP environment and me and some of my colleagues are doing the validation of the migrated balances from the old SAP to the new SAP. Basically, what we are doing is comparing the balances per High 4 and per Hyperion in the new SAP against the reported balances in the old SAP. Any discrepancy is to be adjusted to tie the balances up. Too technical?

The validation thing I mentioned earlier is one thing and turnover is another. As I am moving to a new process, I am currently turning over my processes to a colleague and my other colleague is turning her processes over to me. And my mind is filled with to do's, reminders and post-it's. Too confusing?

It has been a long time since I have overworked. By overworked, I meant overtimes extending up to 12 MN or so, that the husband need to leave the house by 11, pick me up at 12, watch me sleep at the passenger seat and stop over at McDonald's for a midnight snack. I meant, waking up at 5:30, prepare myself fast so that I and my brother-in-law could catch the shuttle service and sleep during the trip on the way to office. I meant, not having enough time to browse the internet to check out the latest showbiz buzz or my personal mail and to run through my monthly budget to see if I have overspent. I meant, not having enough sleep to avoid the pesky migraine. I meant, less time to spend quality time with my parents on weekends and with my in-laws on weeknights. I meant, missing Irvin and the serious talks and the nonstop laughters.

And I miss myself and my books and my scrapbooking materials and my desktop.

But one day, this shall pass. And I will be me again, and a full-time working wife and daughter again.


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